Psychotherapy Services at Headway Therapy Group

*Online Therapy in California Currently Provided*

If you have landed on this page on our website, it is probably safe to assume that you are actively seeking help for a specific therapy need. You have, probably, scrolled through a lot of pages on the internet. You’ve searched through several different practices and all that they offer. You have noticed just how many psychotherapy services and niches there are too. Trying to find the right practice with the right service can feel overwhelming and frustrating.

At Headway Therapy, we have several different clinicians. Each with their own specific speciality and/or niche. Hopefully, we can provide just what you need!

Services at Headway Therapy Group

Information and Documents

When you decide to book an appointment with one of our therapists, you will receive a link to our client portal. Here, you will have access to all of the documents you will need to review and sign. If you are unable to access this portal, please download, review, sign and provide the following documents to your therapist at the first session: 

Welcome Letter 

Demographic supplemental information

Informed Consent Agreement for Psychotherapy Services

Limits of Confidentiality

Notice of Privacy Practices

Standard Intake Questionnaire

Credit Debit Card Payment Consent

Telehealth Treatment Consent Form


A woman smiles while using a laptop. This relates to actions that would be taken when looking for a therapist in San Diego, CA. Our therapists offer effective therapy in San Diego, CA for women, teens, and children.

Begin Therapy in Encinitas, CA

To start your therapy journey, follow these steps:

  1. Contact Headway Therapy.
  2. Meet with one of our expert therapists.
  3. Receive the support you need to navigate this season of life.

Helpful blogs written by Headway’s therapists

4 ways that grief counseling in California can change your life. 

Premarital counseling: couples counseling for couples that aren’t married.

5 signs that you should start pregnancy counseling in California.

Postpartum Therapist in San Diego, CA explained why “baby blues” doesn’t always capture the experience of postpartum depression.

5 FAQ about online marriage counseling in San Diego, CA.

Meet Our Therapists

Amanda Freeman

Jamie Amarelli

Jamie Amarelli

Nancy Beehn

Minnetalla Younis

Minnetalla Younis

Elizabeth Perkins

Elizabeth Perkins

Tricia Wells

Tricia Wells

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